Saturday, December 27, 2008

Swarm info

ok ladies, our next swarm is scheduled for January 18. i know, you are itching to have another one, but a few things have come up, so it had to be pushed a few weeks back. but, i promise it will be one not to be missed. we are having a vinyl party!! so, please either call or come by the store to sign up. see you soon..

Friday, December 19, 2008

in today

just to let everyone know, we have Zig glue in stock for reviving those cricut mats. if you cant get right in, just call and we will save one for you.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

o happy day

hey everyone, just wanted to say hi and hope all you have your bugs working away with christmas presents.. LOL we are in the process of planning our next swarm, so if you want a spot saved, make sure you get your spot reserved. we will playing with a few new techniques and doing a few mini projects. so its your turn to just come and play.. you dont even have to decide what paper to brin or anything. whoo hoo!!! have a wonderful weekend everyone

Monday, December 8, 2008

Our first Swarm

what do you get when you have 14 women and their bugs? a whole lotta fun. check out a few of the pics from the swarm.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Our new blog

denise said our swarm name was available on blogger, so guess what?? i regstered it. we now have our very own blog. we will post updates, pics and all sorts of fun stuff relating to that fabulous bug.. if you find a new blog, info or anything, feel free to send me the link and i will get it up on the blog.... see you all sunday.